
MVP Launch - Q2 (complete): Unlike many projects, which raise money without releasing an actual usable product, our mainnet will launch before our token generation event, allowing users to utilize our platform first-hand. Initially, we will launch on Ethereum before branching to other networks, allowing users to easily conduct peer-to-peer swaps, as well as buy, sell, trade, and create NFTs.

Multi-Chain Support - Q2 (complete): We support various relevant blockchain networks within our NFT marketplace and platform, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, and Polygon. With multi-chain support and accessibility, it's never been easier to take care of all of your NFT related needs in a single place.

NFT Launchpad - Q3: Projects, creators, artists, and more can launch and auction new NFTs to a multi-chain community of users.

Additional Blockchain Support - Q3: We are working to integrate multiple networks as soon as possible, with networks such as Wax, Flow, Cardano, Solana, and Polkadot and others directly into our platform. We plan to offer a variety of multi-chain access well before the end of the year.

Cross-Chain Capabilities - Q4: Another crucial factor that should lead to increased mainstream success is interoperability. We will be implementing features that make cross-chain NFT trading as simple as a few button clicks.

Social features - Q4: In order to promote community building, we will be introducing social features that allow users to share their NFTs, show them off, and interact directly with fellow collectors and creators using the NFTrade platform.

Credit Card Integration - Q1 2022: We understand the importance of cryptocurrency integration and usage, but we do not want to leave out potential users who prefer to operate with fiat currency. In Q4 or before, we will introduce credit card integration, offering a seamless process to purchase NFTs across multiple networks.

Utility Token Integration - Q1 2022: As a platform moving towards decentralized governance and user control, access our utility token features such as platform governance, a discount on transaction fees, and staking.

Last updated